Topics & Goals
LangDev is celebrated on an yearly basis around Europe. It brings together the community working & researching around Language Engineering, MDE, DSLs with a clear focus on showing progress on the state of the art with working tooling. Talks with running software demonstrations are encouraged over just theoretical papers.
Model Driven Engineering is gaining traction as one of the Key competences to be developed to foster progress (as recognized by the European Union in different programs).
Special Edition
Seville's edition is putting the emphasis on Aerospace sector and Security.
Seville has an enterprise cluster of companies devoted to Aerospace. The organization want to take the opportunity to reunite and promote the interchange between the industry and research to align research & transfer technologies as a meeting point for a unique networking opportunity.
On the other hand, Security and cybersecurity is a central topic for any digital system. Sophistication of attacks demands better security tools, process and analysis tools. Models. modeling tools & DSLs for security are on the rise.

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
Universidad de Sevilla
Avenida Reina Mercedes, s/n. 41012 Seville, Spain
Registration takes place directly on site. Please have your ticket and passport or European identification card at hand.
Inscription is closed. Langdev is a non for profit event. Cost of the event is covered by assistants, speakers via inscriptions & sponsors.
Early Bird Ticket
from August 26th
till September 15th
100 EUR*
- Pass for all sessions
- Coffee breaks & lunches
- Social Dinner
- Guided City Tour
Regular Ticket
from September 16th
till October 4th
(or complete full capacity)
125 EUR*
- Pass for all sessions
- Coffee breaks & lunches
- Social Dinner
- Guided City Tour
* Applicable taxes (VAT) incluided.
Why two kind of prices? Need to plan the logistics, therefore having a clear number of attendes in advance helps to properly prepare for it.
For any other inquiry please write directly to
Important Dates
- 2024-06-06: Call for Presentations opens (done)
- 2024-07-12: Submission Deadline (done)
- 2024-08-26: Early Bird registration (done)
- 2024-09-01: Acceptance Notification (done)
- 2024-09-16: Late Bird registration (done)
- 2024-10-04 : Registration Deadline (done)
- 2024-10-[17..19]: LangDev’24
Call for Presentations
From: June 6th till July 12th (closed).
We solicit talk proposals concerning the application, development, and innovation of language engineering. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Industrial case studies: experience reports, large-scale evaluations, best practices, and human factors to adoption.
- Novel meta languages for language construction and composition
- Holistic approaches to language engineering that cross-cut multiple language aspects (e.g., abstract and concrete syntax, semantics, transformations) and/or integrate with program analysis, validation, testing, or other advanced techniques.
- New language workbenches or novel extensions of existing language workbenches.
- Backend infrastructure of (web-based) language workbenches explaining solutions to collaboration, synchronization, or communication.
Low-Code / No-Code approaches using appropriate languages
- Languages for describing and deriving digital twins
- Languages for non-engineering issues, such as science, legal, social, or environmental sustainability issues
- DSLs engineered on the basis of GPLs and GPMLs (general-purpose languages)
- Engineering new interaction models for languages (block-based, notebooks, live programming, etc.
- Tools for debugging DSL implementation, and creating DSL debuggers.
- Applications of AI to Language Workbenches and/or language engineering.
LangDev seeks presentations that demonstrate applied aspects of language engineering. Presentations explaining the theory behind language engineering are also welcome, but they need to showcase the practical applicability of the presented approaches. Presentations about preliminary or unfinished work are welcome.
We encourage presenters to demonstrate their work with a demo or live coding over “just” showing slides. Additionally, we encourage speakers to accompany their presentations with a public repository (whenever is possible) with the code that helps the participants to (easily) run the presented tools, experiment with them, or tweak benchmark experiments. This helps to create a lasting contribution.
Talk proposals should be submitted from June 6 till July 12, 2024 to A proposal includes a title and a short (maximum 200 words) abstract. As LangDev is an international meeting, the proposals and talks should be in English. In case the talk is accompanied by a demo, we encourage presenters to also provide a brief demo outline as part of the proposal. Presenters will have 30 minutes for their talks (25 min talk + 5 min Q&A). Presenters may choose to follow a traditional presentation style where the Q&A is at the end of the talk, or they may follow a chess timer-based style. Notifications about acceptance will be sent out by September 1.
Program Committee
- Arjan Oortgiese - Belastingdienst (Dutch Tax Office)
- Bernhard Rumpe, Software Engineering - RWTH Aachen
- Nico Jansen - RWTH Aachen
- Federico Tomassetti - Strumenta S.R.L.
- Tijs van der Storm - Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
- Antonia M. Reina - University of Seville
- Angel J. Varela - University of Seville
- Pedro J. Molina - Metadev S.L.
In case you have any further questions, please contact:
- Antonia M. Reina - University of Seville
- Pablo Fernandez - University of Seville
- Angel J. Varela - University of Seville
- Lucía Enríquez - Metadev S.L.
- Nuria Serrano - Metadev S.L.
- Pedro J. Molina - Metadev S.L.